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The most recent issue of  The Economist  titled   “Sex and Power” hit stands on September 27 th 2018.  At first glance of the cover you will immediately see a silhouette of a woman with an unknown hand on her (Bar, 2018). The woman appears to be outlined in a pink triangle shape with her arms stretched out.  The text above the image reads “Sex and power. #MeToo one year on”, this signifies a much deeper meaning the to image. The text is what amplifies the conative potential of the image to develop into something greater (Storey, 2015). If you look deeper into the image you will understand that the silhouette of woman in the triangle shape is actually part of a mans tie, while her raised arms are in the shape of a collar. This image reflects that standards of what powerful men think of women, from the perfectly proportioned silhouette and the fact she is just an object as a piece of a tie. The story behind the Economist cover originates from the case against American movie pr

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